Saturday, October 9, 2010

When Autumn Came

When Autumn Came by Faiz Ahmed Faiz 

This is the way that autumn came to the trees:
it stripped them down to the skin,
left their ebony bodies naked.
It shook out their hearts, the yellow leaves,
scattered them over the ground.
Anyone could trample them out of shape
undisturbed by a single moan of protest.

The birds that herald dreams
were exiled from their song,
each voice torn out of its throat.
They dropped into the dust
even before the hunter strung his bow.

Oh, God of May have mercy.
Bless these withered bodies
with the passion of your resurrection;
make their dead veins flow with blood again.

Give some tree the gift of green again.
Let one bird sing.

This is one of my favorite poems. I came across it this year in a poetry class and at first. I was impressed with the symbolism, imagery and deep meaning behind it and felt like sharing it. Enjoy.

- EverDreamer  


  1. Hmmm. This poem has interesting imagery of Autumn, since I always imagine Auntumn to be much gentler. I wrote a poem once with a similar idea, basically leaves being stripped from trees, but winter was the culprit in mine. Interesting.

  2. Yes, very interesting. I kind of think of winter as the culprit as well. For instance, I love Autumn and I think what it does to the trees is gorgeous. It's the cold of winter that strips them of their leaves. Autumn just makes them pretty colors. :D xD
