Saturday, October 9, 2010


Autumn is my favorite season for a lot of different reasons, but mostly for two big ones: I love the holidays and I love the colors.

Nature has alwasy been a big thing for me. I like lots of trees and flowers around me at all times, but there's just something about the way the leaves change color that makes my heart beat a little bit faster in Autumn. In some ways, I wish that the trees were always the colors that they are during the fall, but at the same time, I know I wouldn't think it was as special if they did. I do wish that Autumn would last just a bit longer though, because I can only stand about two weeks of snow before I'm ready for Spring but you can't have Fall without Winter.

The holidays in the fall are another big thing for me, as I already said. Thanksgiving is just a really fun holiday. Usually my whole family gets together and has a fun feast and I love putting the little pilgrim stickers up in the window and putting wreaths and fall colored flowers everywhere. It always seems like the fall comes and goes too quickly. In the beginning of October, everything begins to change colors and the days begin getting darker and sometimes in the end of October there's already snow and all the leaves are gone (at least where I am.) I didn't decorate much for Thanksgiving this year because two of my suitemates and I are completely obsessed with Halloween, which leads me to my next point.

Halloween has been my favorite holiday since I was a little girl, and not for the reasons that most people think. I like candy, don't get me wrong, but I don't like it all that much. To be honest, usually I end up with a huge sack of candy that I never touch until Easter when I examine it with a frown on my face trying to decide whether or not I'm giong to risk it and eventually decide that it would be better just to toss it. No, the reason that I love Halloween is that there is nothing more fun than dressing up in a costume and wandering around neighborhoods for all hours of the night. It's almost as fun as the Renaisance Festival, another one of my favorites. I really just love playing dress up and wandering around. The costumes, the make up, and the fact that it happens at night all contribute to making this holiday something I look forwards to every single year. Another point worth mentioning, I'll probably trick or treat until I'm old and gray, even if I can't go door to door and get any candy. Do you think they'd call the police on a sweet old lady wandering the neighborhood in a costume on Halloween in 2060? I sure hope not.

Well, that's my two cents for the day. Enjoy Autumn and the holidays. :D


  1. We need to wander around taking pictures immediately before the leaves go away :( . Also I love Halloween for the same reasons as you (I love candy, but hey, I can buy it for myself if I want) as well as just because everything is spooky and I love things that feel spooky or look spooky, but then aren't actually scary, like I love fake haunted houses, but not real ones. :P

  2. Yes, we definitely have to go out and take the fall pictures. That really pretty tree we wanted to do almost lost all its leaves! I agree completely on haunted houses, too. I don't like real ones, but fake ones are fun. xD
