Friday, March 4, 2011

There's nothing better than a good lie.

The Karate Kid 2010 Review

The Karate Kid (2010) should be called the Kung Fu Kid. Even Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) corrected his mother within the movie that he was not studying Karate but Kung Fu. Other than that, it was a really good movie. I actually liked it better than the original Karate Kid franchise. I thought that the fight scenes were much cooler, because Dre learned far more Kung Fu in the amount of time that he trained than Daniel ever learned karate from Mr. Miyagi in three movies. Granted, it may have been a little more realistic that someone could learn only a little bit in so little time, and honestly no one said in the movie how long it took for Dre to learn so much. I would assume quite a bit of time.

Anyway, I loved this movie. I thought that there was a lot of drama and a lot deeper story line than in the original series (though don't get me wrong, I love the original series too.) I think what really sold me the most was the amazing fight scenes, which can probably be attributed to the choreographing of Jackie Chan. I was very impressed with this movie, which I didn't expect to like very much, and I recommend that everyone who likes martial arts movies watch it. :)

Here are some of the fight scenes from the movie:

This first one shows some of the earlier scenes when Dre gets beat up by the Chinese kid who for whatever reason has a big problem with him and when Mr. Han (Jackie Chan) stops the group of Chinese boys from beating up Dre.

This one is the final fight in the tournament. To give you some background info to show you how cool this fight really was, just before the fight, Dre is lying in a cast because his leg was just illegally broken by a different member of the mean Kung Fu studio, disqualifying the other member so that the boy Dre is about to fight could win. Instead, Mr. Han uses a special ancient Chinese healing technique to make it so he can fight. Is this plausible? Who knows, but it's fun. xD Anyway, so then Dre fights him. At the end when his leg is broken again and he's staring at him that way, he's using the Cobra technique. Mr. Han looks surprised because he had refused to teach it to Dre, telling him that it would take years to master and he couldn't do it. I thought the final move was pretty awesome. I hope you like it! :)

This movie surprised me in turning out better than I expected. It was great and I recommend that anyone who likes this sort of movie watch it. :)